Lacy's Stiff Stuff Premium Beading Foundation


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Beading with Lacy's Stiff Stuff By Lace and Jackie Harrelson
THE book to bead with when you cabochon bead or embroider is here!  And it's got Free LACY'S Stiff Stuff inside, too!

This book already includes a FULL 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet of Lacy's Stiff Stuff. Order today and we will include an EXTRA 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet of LACY'S Stiff Stuff and a FREE bonus pattern -- all for just $34. 95! The book is designed and bound so it lies flat when you are learning a technique or following a pattern--no cracking spine and lost pages.

This book is packed full of color illustrations, diagrams, complete patterns and instructions, practical tips and finishing techniques - straight from the developers of Lacy's Stiff Stuff. 

The book is comprised of one hundred and nine (109) easy to follow pages of stitches, fringes, templates and projects for beaders from beginners to experts. It includes many projects, such as bracelets, earrings, pendants, brooches and cuffs.  It has a color picture gallery of Jackie and Lacy's work and a guest gallery featuring bead artists Frieda Bates,  Sharon Bateman, and others.

beading with lacy's stiff stuff book

Lacy's Stiff Stuff Presents: Earrings, Volume 1 by Lace and Jackie Harrelson is ready, too! 

This book contains seven (7) great patterns for stunning and fun earrings for beginning and advanced beaders.  All instructions are clear, easy to follow and illustrated.  Extra variations on patterns and a full 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet of Lacy's Stiff Stuff (tm) are included as well - all this for only $14.95.  Order today and we will include an EXTRA 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet of LACY'S Stiff Stuff(tm) and a FREE surprise pattern!

altcover1.jpg, Lacy's Earring Supplement book

Order from our online store, Happy Jack's Bead Emporium.

Lacy's Stiff Stuff - the best stuff to bead on!

Lacy's Stiff Stuff is available retail and wholesale from:


4905 W 2nd St.

P. O. Box 2646

Roswell, NM 88201

Phone: (575) 623-1544